Friday, November 28, 2014

Black Friday ... It's On!

Yes, we can ... do this! Gotta shop? Suggestions, anyone? 

BZB's Gift Show is back at Shiloh Family Life Center, with a slew of independent, African-American vendors from all over the country. 

They won't have aluminum foil, dish detergent, and bread, true. Hmmmm...

I'd pick Giant and Safeway over the Wal-Martons any day. Employees have a voice, through their union. Giant gets a good salary report, too.

For grown-ups not getting full support from their parents, Target isn't a choice employer. It has a great look and fantastic marketing (and neat stuff), but its labor practices are no better than Wal-Mart's.

Costco has a conscientious attitude toward paying people salaries that are appropriate for  ... people!

The change we seek in our society has to start not within our collective conscience, but within each individual conscience. Thinking ....

1 comment:

  1. Insightful commentary. Thanks for sharing, and always thinking to enlighten us....
